2020 Sponsors

TOKYO GAS is Japan‘s largest provider of natural gas, serving more than 11 million customers. In FY2016, TOKYO GAS made a start by entering the electricity retail business and has since reached 1.6 million customers (Nov 2018). TOKYO GAS is shifting from the in-house R&D focused on natural gas energy to an open innovation style R&D to focus on a broad range of innovative energy solutions.

ENECHANGE LTD. is Japan's most popular energy switching website, having 3 million monthly unique visitors and working with over 100 energy suppliers. Enechange is also recognised as one of the most innovative energy ventures in Japan, providing vertically integrated tech solutions - such as data-driven CRM solutions, smart-meter data management (SMAP), AI-driven load curve simulation etc. - for energy suppliers.

CHUBU ELECTRIC POWER is Japan‘s third largest energy utility provider. They are transforming by separating their organization into three divisions: power generation, transmission/distribution and sales. Even in a rapidly changing business environment, they aim to become a corporate group with consolidated ordinary profit of 250 JPY billion or more, by building a balanced business portfolio through.

ENEOS is the largest oil company and 3rd largest new electric power supplier in Japan. They have crude refining capacity of around 2 million barrels per day – which is comparable to BP – and a nationwide supply chain enabling stable supply of products and services associated with energy. They have also been supplying low-carbon energy, such as solar, wind, biofuel, and hydrogen.

LOOOP operates a low-voltage power retail business ‘Looop Denki’. Since starting in April 2016, the business has gained over 100,000 users by the end of March 2018. After reaching this critical turning point, LOOOP aims to reach 200,000 users by the end of the next fiscal year, and is opening a broad array of new services to attract smart energy consumers.

Shimizu has 66 subsidiaries, which operates many businesses in Japan and overseas, including the construction, the investment on real estate development, and the engineering businesses. Shimizu has a revenue of 16.6 USD billion and over 10,000 employees in 25 countries. To achieve the 10-year plan, they plans to invest 7.5 USD billion over the next 5 years, this includes 1.3 USD billion invested in projects related to infrastructure, renewable energy and new businesses.

Panasonic Corporation is one of the largest electronics producers, with nearly 80 USD billion in revenue and 271,000 employees. For its 10-year vision, it plans to invest significant resources in developing Focused Technologies such as AI/IoT/Big Data, Sensing Technology, Robotics, and Digitalization Network. Supportive Technologies such as Key Device/Manufacturing, and Energy in “Home”, “Mobility”, “Business” will also be a target.
HOKURIKU ELECTRIC is a vertically integrated electricity supplier serving about 2.1 million customers. Their generation mix is characterized by a higher ratio of hydroelectric power – which is less carbon intensive than other forms of generation – thanks to plentiful water resources in their area. Their Transmission/Distribution Division will be reformed as a separate entity in 2020 and plans to install smart meters to all household by 2024.

Tohoku Electric Power Company provides electricity to the Aomori, Iwate, Akita, Miyagi, Yamagata, Fukushima and Niigata prefectures, manages over 587,600 km of distribution network and generates over 16.8 GW of electricity. The company is planning on significantly expanding overseas, with a clear target of doubling overseas generation capacity by 2030.
MIRAIT Holdings Corporation is a telecom engineering company with 19 overseas subsidiaries, 3.5 USD billion in revenue and over 4.1 million customers. They own an installed generation capacity of 288 MW of renewable energy worldwide and more than 1000 EV chargers in Japan. They aim to contribute to the “smart society” through initiatives enhancing competitiveness amid the changing business environment with 5G and IoT technologies.

Chugoku Electric Power Co., Inc. is a generator, transmission and distribution system operator (TDSO) and supplier for both businesses and households mainly in the Chugoku region. With over 100 power stations, 11 GW of total generation capacity, 84,000 km in distribution lines and 12.8 USD billion revenue. They are focusing on improving the capabilities of their network business and new business models such as distributed power supply, storage battery and blockchain.
Toyota Tsusho is the sole general trading company of the Toyota Group. They provides logistics, information services, financing, risk management, import/export, and investments. They have 7 divisions. The Power Generation division operates 8 GW of renewable energy. They established the NEXT Mobility Development Department focusing on: materials replacement and recycling, next-generation vehicle services, EV components, and smart factories.
Yonden, is one of the 10 electric utilities in Japan that carry on the integrated process of generating, transmitting, distributing and selling electricity in their respective service areas. For over 60 years the company has been providing high-quality, low-cost, stable electricity service to the currently more than 4 million people in the Shikoku region. Through a wide-area coordination system, including power interchanges with other electric utilities, they also contribute to a stable supply of electricity across the country.
2020 Cohort Finalists

Ambri is a US company developing a liquid metal battery and spin out from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) materials research. The batteries were conceived by MIT’s Professor Donald Sadoway who has taught Materials Science for over 40 years.
Breeze Technologies provides hyperlocal air quality and climate data through smart, affordable indoor and outdoor sensors, as well as actionable environmental intelligence for corporates and cities.

Driivz provides a smart cloud-based platform that spans EV charging operations, energy management, bespoke billing and roaming capabilities, home, public and workplace charging, and driver self- service tools.

Enbala Power Networks develops and deploys software that aggregates customer electricity demand, along with energy storage and renewable energy sources, to create a network of continuously optimized distributed energy sources.

FreeWire Technologies provides smart battery systems for EV charging and mobile distributed power. It provides clean, quiet mobile power, and fast charging that’s available and easy to deploy.

GreenSync builds software that allows resources like solar, battery storage and electric vehicle chargers to help deliver ever more affordable, reliable, renewable electricity for us all.
METRON is a AI company that helps industrial clients leverage untapped industrial data and connect to decentralized energy resources, thus fostering the emergence of the Internet of Energy.

OhmConnect provides home energy management solutions via smart meter analytics and energy market integration. Their platform enables residential users to sell their energy reductions directly into energy markets via "demand response.

ONO is a Berlin based e-mobility company offering a whole new light electric vehicle: The ONO Pedal Assisted Transporter. The vehicle allows for a more efficient delivery of goods in urban environments.

Origami Energy's platform together real-time data from physical assets and commercial markets to unlock new value, and accelerate our transition to a cleaner, more reliable and efficient global energy system.

Pexapark provides software for better renewable energy sales. Their tools enable portfolio management, lower transaction costs and better risk control.

Power to Hydrogen is commercializing an advanced reversible fuel cell technology to cost effectively and efficiently convert electricity and water into high purity hydrogen and oxygen, and when needed back to power.

Reactive Technologies is an energy tech company providing grid operators and renewable asset owners with market-leading and mission-critical technology solutions to accelerate the clean energy transition

Sense is a technology company that specializes in developing and distributing tracking devices and home automation solutions for its customers.

SkySpecs offers an automated drone inspection service and analytics platform that allows for repeatability, high-quality data, and safer inspections.

Sure Chill offers a refrigeration and energy storage technology that cools for weeks without power. By harnessing the unique properties of water, it allows continual cooling at a perfect 4ºC, anywhere in the world.

Telensa makes wireless smart city control applications, including the world’s most widely deployed smart streetlight solution. Telensa’s solutions also provide a low-cost platform to add multiple city-wide sensor applications.
TeraWatt Technology a spinoff of SF Motors Inc. (d.b.a SERES), develops ultra-high energy density next-gen lithium-ion batteries for diverse electrified applications.

Voltalis is a major provider of demand response services. The company has already rolled out and operated 1 million devices in a 100,000 homes and buildings to its demand control platform enabling energy savings.