Yohei Kiguchi graduated from the University of Tokyo, and attended PhD studies at the Engineering department at the University of Cambridge. He founded ENECHANGE in Japan and SMAP ENERGY in the UK and is CEO of both companies.
In 2017 he became the first Japanese person to be listed as one of the Forbes 30 Under 30 Europe.
東京大学法学部卒、ケンブリッジ大学工学部博士課程修了。ENECHANGE株式会社(日本)とSMAP ENERGY社(イギリス)を創業。現在は、ENECHANGE株式会社 会長 兼 SMAP社 CEOとして、海外事業と電力データ事業を中心に事業を推進する。2017年「Forbes 30 Under 30 Europe」 に日本人として初選出される。

Paul Monroe, Co-Founder and Program Manager
Paul is a co-founder of Japan Energy Challenge and has lead the program since its start in 2018. His experience in co-founding energy data analytics solution provider SMAP Energy has been the foundation for shaping the program experience.
Paul is also a graduate of the University of Cambridge, has previously worked in engineering at NASA, is a member of the Forbes 30 Under 30 Europe list.
JEC2018も統率した実績。ケンブリッジ大学修士卒、NASAエンジニアを経てSMAP ENERGY社共同創業。

Sayaka Kuno, Vice Program Manager
After getting her MBA from Southampton University and with 10 years IT consulting experience (including IBM and NTT Europe), Sayaka joins us as Vice Program Manager for JEC2020.
IBM、アクセンチュア、NTT Europeなどでエネルギー・IoT分野のコンサルティング業務を担当。英国在住・日本人である強みを生かして、JEC2020のVice Program Managerを務める。(2回目以降のMTGは、来日して担当予定し、スポンサー企業様との窓口も担当予定)

Fabio Orlando, Business Analyst
Fabio has over five years of experience in research and event management in the energy sector. He has worked for industry associations, think tanks and private companies in London and Brussels. Fabio joins us as Business Analyst for JEC2020.